New date for the Online Research webinar (20th June)

Thanks to everyone who has booked to the Online Research webinar so far. We have had to change the date to Thursday 20th June, but it will be running twice at 5am UK time (mainly for non-UK audiences, but early risers are also welcome) and 11.30am UK time.

The webinars are being held to celebrate the publication of a new book on online research methods. In it, Dr Rachel Buchanan and I will be introducing the book and discussing some of the key issues in it.

This book provides a concise and accessible introduction to online research, covering ethics, surveys, focus groups, ethnographies, experiments and the gathering and analysis of naturally occurring digital/big data. It also asks how researchers should use the digital environment to communicate their research and looks forward to the future of the field, asking what the next ten years hold. Online research is rarely well served by the direct translation of onsite methods onto the internet. Rather, researchers need to reflect, adapt and redesign research as they change the mode through which they conduct their research.

The webinar will include a presentation of the key ideas in the book and offer participants opportunities to ask questions and reflect on the future of online research.

Book onto the webinar

Buy the book

One comment

  1. Hi Tristram,

    I am unavailable on 20th June, but would be interested in attending if you run this another time?

    Hope you have a good session.

    Best wishes,


    Ruth Francis
    Effective Transitions Fund Project Manager
    Employability and Skills Team (working for both the Economy and Education Divisions)
    07849 825094

    Please note that my normal working days are Monday to Thursday.

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