Launching the new CDI framework

Over the last year I’ve been working with the CDI to revise the existing CDI framework of learning outcomes for schools and turn it into a lifelong framework for career development.

We’ve spent the last couple of weeks launching the new framework and trying to tell the world about it. So far the feedback on it has been really positive. So I thought that I’d write a brief post here and try and update everyone who hasn’t noticed yet.

If you want to look at the framework and the resources that go with it, then head over the the CDI website. You will find publications setting out the framework, explaining how it was developed and provding resources for implementing it in schools.

What we have tried to do is to create a new version of the framework that achieves the following aims:

  • Creates a lifelong framework for career development which explains how people learn about their career and what they need to know in order to have a positive career.
  • Recognise some of the more recent developments in career development theory and evidence. Essentially this is about moving away from a model of career learning that is fundamentally about matching towards one which recognises that both individuals and the world are complex and that there is a dynamic relationship between the two.
  • Create a model that had strong face validity (feels right) and which careers professionals and other educators will be able to easily connect to their practice.

Just in case you haven’t seen the model yet it is primarily made up of a series of learning area as follows.

And a spiral learning model.

I’m sure that I’m going to be talking about this a lot more over the next few weeks and months, but for now I’ll leave you with the introductory presentation that I’ve been giving on the framework.

I’d love to hear any questions that people have about the framework or any examples of how people are starting to use it.


  1. I really like the look of the new framework. The challenge for us careers leaders is how to translate this into activities for school pupils with limited curriculum time where the impact can be measured. Do you know if anyone is producing materials for school pupils to do that are based on the framework and where impact can easily be measured? I’m ideally looking for 12 20 minute activities for each year group (7-13) that could be run in tutor groups. To have this embedded for September I’m sure I’ll be creating byt would love to know if othe organisations are doing this already!

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